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Once upon a time, a princess very wicked lived in a castle with her family. One day, an old woman was asking her for help. But the princess refused and so the old woman changed herself into a witch and cast an evil spell upon her. The princess was transformed into a horrible beast, her family died and the castle fell into ruin. Then the witch forecasted (prédit): “You will regain beauty when someone gives you a true love’s kiss” and then she disappeared. Years later, a beautiful boy found the castle where the “beast” was lying (où se trouvait "la bête"). He was walking there, when he saw the beast. He then quickly fled into the woods. He anxiously ran when a hungry wolf moved dangerously towards him to devour him. Suddenly, the boy was rescued by the beast from the castle and the wolf got back into the woods. The boy knelt in front of the beast and gave him a true love’s kiss. Instantly, the beast returned to its original form of a beautiful princess. Finally, the boy and the princess fell in love and lived happily ever after. The moral of the story is don’t trust by appearances.