Lis attentivement le témoignage suivant, puis valide ou corrige les affirmations proposées.
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison because of his opposition to the apartheid regime.
Ntshimane Molala tells the BBC how living under apartheid was a painful experience.
It was a difficult time for us as black people. You always lived in fear. I knew it wasn't fair for me
to be treated like an animal simply because I was black. The motto at the time was "liberation
first, education later" - as a result many of us did not go to school. There were various laws which
reminded you that t you were black. Urban areas were strictly for whites; you needed a special
permit to be there. In the early 1990s things began to change; certain laws became more relaxed.
I was filled with joy and excitement at the news of the release of Nelson Mandela.
1. Le texte a été écrit par une personne blanche.
2. Le sujet du texte est Nelson Mandela.
3. L'auteur du témoignage explique que l'apartheid était injuste.
4. La priorité de la population noire était d'aller à l'école.
5. Certaines zones étaient réservées à la population blanche.
6. Dans les années 90, les lois sont devenues encore plus strictes.
7. L'auteur était très content lorsque Nelson Mandela a été envoyé en prison.

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