1✰✰✰ Choisis la proposition qui convient pour compléter chaque phrase. a. There is (a cafeteria / many students) at schoo b. There isn't (lots of instruments/any trumpe player) in our band. c. Look, there are (two art notebooks/my whiteboard) in my locker. d. No, there aren't (any lacrosse players in my class/any folder in this locker). 2✰✰✰ Demande à ton correspondant américain ce qu'il y a dans son collège. Choisis: Is there? ou Are there? a. many different clubs? b. ... a big cafeteria? c. ... French students in your school?​

1 Choisis La Proposition Qui Convient Pour Compléter Chaque Phrase A There Is A Cafeteria Many Students At Schoo B There Isnt Lots Of Instrumentsany Trumpe Play class=