Marieconseil76ask Marieconseil76ask Anglais résolu Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît c’est pour dm Lucky Luke has got a beautiful white horse. Look! His horse Jolly Jumper is courageous! Complétez ces phrases avec BE ou HAVE conjugués: a) My friend Bob…….. a big nose and small ears. b) Our two kids……. beautiful green eyes. c) Peter..... thirteen and a half years old. d) Wow! You a new schoolbag! It…..very nice! e) I like your sisters. They .................very friendly and quite funny. f) I love Harry Potter, he….magic powers! g) I ............. a bit sad today because my best friend …….absent. h) I hate Mondays because we….. many boring lessons ! i) Our teacher…..sick so we …….no music lesson today.