Présent simple ou Présent SE+ ing ?
Choisis la bonne conjugaison :
1. Sorry I can't have lunch with you. 1 (see) my mum
2. Here (come) the principal. Look! He (wear) a wig
3. Ferris (not be) really sick. He (only pretend).
4. You (be) very pale! You (feel okay)?
Ta mère t'a envoyé ce message:
Hope you had a nice day at
school! Please could you:
feed the doo
buy some milk
tidy your room
take out the bin
Mais tu as d'autres occupations ! Voici
quelques excuses pour agner du temps ;-) :
do your homework- not feel well-watch your
favourite series-shoot a You Tube video
Réponds à ta mère.
e.g. Sorry, I can't... right now, I'm...