Get it 1-Observe les phrases suivantes. a Australia is bigger and more modern than England. b. The weather in Australia is better than in Europe but the Internet connection is worse c. The animals are less dangerous in England than in Australia. On utilise le comparatif pour comparer deux éléments entre eux Le comparatif de supériorité: plus-que Adjectifs courts: 1 syllabe ou 2 syllabes se terminant par-y-ow ou-er adjectif- + than I'm tall than my brother. Adjectifs longs: 2 syllabes ne se terminant pas pary, -ow ou-er et plus de deux syllabes She's sister. + adjectif + than beautiful than her Le comparatif d'inférion moins que Avec les adjectifs longs + adjectif long-t dangero Bikes are than scooters.* bad->> Exceptions:good → Rappel: les adjectifs courts en -y font leur comparatif en -ier. Exemple deadly → deadlier *Avec les adjectifs courts, on utilise le comparatif d'inégalité: He isn't as strong as his sister​

Get It 1Observe Les Phrases Suivantes A Australia Is Bigger And More Modern Than England B The Weather In Australia Is Better Than In Europe But The Internet Co class=