Mission 1 Back to I my future 1 What is this? What are these? EXFOTO ECAPSULE Time capsule, Osaka castle, Japan, 2015. 2 Who are they? Activities 1. Group work Guess what the owner of this time capsule would say to introduce herself/himself! 2. Listen to the 3 teens and gather as much information as you can. 3. @Thinglink Introduce yourself with an interactive picture. C audio ■COMPÉTENCE Parler en continu: je prenc la parole pour raconter, décrire, explique Did you know? veggle powerey There are between 10,000 and 15,000 time capsules around the world. The oldest American time capsule was buried in 1795 by P. Revere and S.Adam and discovered in 1994 in Boston. But what exactly is a time capsule? BURIED SEEDS CAPSULE CONTAINS LEBERR Activities 1. Describe the photographs. 2. Imagine what is inside each time capsule and who their owners a 3. What would you put in yours? Explain why. See Grammar). Tip: I would put a video game because I enjoy playing... SPONSOR Buried capsule containing indigenous seeds.​

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