1. Remplacez les adjectifs entre parenthèses
par des comparatifs (infériorité - / égalité = /
supériorité +) ou des superlatifs (++).
California is almost (big =) France.
California is almost as big as France.
a. These quesadillas are (tasty +) the ones I had
in New York.
b. The tacos at Las Cuatro Milpas in San Diego
are (good ++) I have ever eaten.
c. Pizzas on the West Coast are not (good =) on
the East Coast but they are much (healthy +).
d. Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York is much
exciting +) Woody Allen's Manhattan.
e. The film Baywatch received four nominations,
including (bad ++) picture and (bad ++) actor
for Zac Efron.
f. Living in a coastal small town is (stressful-)
Irving in New York.