consigne: a. Read the article and underline in blue the words or expressions referring to cliques and in green the words or expressions referring to groups of friends.
texte: → Bloggers 3: Groups can form around things people have in common. So jocks, goths, skaters, and even the maths club are naturally drawn together because they share similar interests. The people in these groups feel they have a place where they are welcome s and supported, and where they can be themselves, quirks and all Some groups of friends can be pretty flexible and welcome people to join in. But others are more restricted, though. People in these groups make it clear that not just anyone can be part of their crowd. That type of restricted group is sometimes called 10 a clique. Unlike regular groups of friends, people in cliques do everything together. They sit together in class, go to the mall together after school - and they only do stuff with other clique members or people they decide are 'cool. Although people might think it's better to belong to a clique than to be excluded, many times people in cliques end up dealing with lots of pressures and rules. They soon start to worry about whether they'll continue to be popular or whether they'll be dropped. After a while, they may begin to realize that true friends wouldn't be so bossy or demanding. 20 seven 7